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时间: 2023-05-24 【学无止境】 阅读量:共1309人围观

简介 API提交和手动提交共享配额,每日至多提交10万条有价值的内容,sitemap提交配额不与其他方式共享,具体配额以站点页面显示数据为准 。配额不可累计,当日有效。


{ "api": "", "##": "mode:local or sitemap", "mode": "", "##": "如果是local就写本地路径,如果是sitemap就写链接", "path": "" } 其中,config.js相关参数说明: "api":进入百度站长平台,查看推送接口 "mode":分为local和sitemap local:读取本地txt文件中的链接进行推送 sitemap:或者网站sitemap网址中的链接进行推送,只支持xml格式 "path": local模式:填本地地址,绝对或者相对都行 sitemap模式:填写sitemap的链接


import json import os.path import re import requests def get_config(): file = "config.json" if not os.path.exists(file): with open(file,'w',encoding='utf8') as f: txt = '{\n' \ '"api": "",\n' \ '"##": "mode:local or sitemap",\n' \ '"mode": "",\n' \ '"##": "如果是local就写本地路径,如果是sitemap就写链接",\n' \ '"path": ""\n' \ '}' f.write(txt) with open(file,'r',encoding='utf8') as f: return json.load(f) myconfig = get_config() def push_baidu(url): api = myconfig['api'] headers = { "User-Agent": "curl/7.12.1", "Host": "data.zz.baidu.com", "Content-Type": "text/plain", "Content-Length": "83" } respons = requests.post(url=api, data=url, headers=headers) return respons.text def get_urls_txt(file): with open(file=file, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f: return f.read() def get_urls_xml(url): res_text = requests.get(url).text urls = re.findall(r"<loc>(.+?)</loc>", res_text) urls_txt = "" for i in urls: urls_txt += f"{i}\n" return urls_txt if __name__ == '__main__': try: mode = myconfig['mode'] if mode == 'local': urls = get_urls_txt(myconfig['path']) print(push_baidu(urls)) elif mode == 'sitemap': urls = get_urls_xml(myconfig['path']) print(push_baidu(urls)) else: print("config.json配置错误,请检查!") except Exception as e: print("config.json配置错误,请检查!")
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